
Berman Should Toughen Stand on Immigration

Rep. Anthony Beilenson (Valley Commentary, April 17) accurately points out that we are being strangled by the vast influx of illegals and proposes that we both close the borders and amend the Constitution to stop allowing illegals to cross the border, have a baby and then be eligible for all the taxpayer benefits granted to American citizens. Rep. Howard Berman opposes the latter step.

The great majority of citizens are in favor of amending the 14th Amendment, which was enacted right after the Civil War.

The sole purpose of the clause in question was to protect the newly freed slaves. No one at the time contemplated great social outlays to foreign citizens taking advantage of American hospitality.


Wake up, Mr. Berman. The majority of us do not want this. You are merely our representative and as such are empowered only to carry out the wishes of the majority and not those of your own social agenda.


Studio City
