
Service Cuts for Immigrants

It was upsetting to read that such a large fraction of Californians support the initiative to deny public services to illegal immigrant families (“Voters Back Service Cuts for Illegal Immigrants,” May 29).

These services, including education and health care, mainly benefit the children in a family. The children are not the members of the family that make the decision to immigrate illegally; their parents may even have brought them against their will. By denying services essential to their development, we punish children for the sins of their parents.

This is clearly wrong, and, because it punishes the innocent, can have no deterrent effect.




* Among California’s many problems are juvenile delinquency, gangs and illiteracy--and Gov. Wilson wants to keep children out of school? How else does he suppose the children of illegal immigrants will spend their time if we don’t educate them?

The best hope for California is to provide the best possible education for these and all our children so they can contribute to improving the economy, as well as the social and cultural environment of the state, for the long term.


Los Angeles

* Re “Marchers Assail Bias Against Immigrants,” May 29:

This parade is more evidence that the invasion of the United States by illegal immigrants is growing and succeeding. We are giving away our country. This must stop. I am tired of hearing slogans such as “No Human Being Is Illegal” and, per a talk show radio program, “I am a citizen of the world, I have a right to live where I want.” I still believe we are a sovereign nation and have a right to control our borders. We should take whatever steps are necessary to do this.


In the meantime, all benefits for illegal immigrants should stop. No health or education benefits should be given.


