Population Conference
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Regarding Daniel Maguire’s “It’s the Best Hope for Our Planet . . . “ and George Weigel’s “ . . . It’s Voodoo Science,” Commentary, Sept. 5: No one can deny the reality of anle expanding human base on the globe. But, contrary to the claims of population doomsayers, no “tragedy of the commons” awaits us, that is, not unless we are collectively herded into subscribing to the notion that the poor will naturally and indiscriminately breed themselves several times over and quickly consume what’s left of “our” resources.
Development economists and demographers have underscored for years that what’s at stake in the poorest regions of the world is the capability of individuals to control and develop available resources, not paternalistic considerations regarding the number of mouths to be fed. In other words, it has been repeatedly shown that when literacy is improved among both women and men, when peasants are empowered to grow and harvest their own crops, and when other basic needs and services are easily available, the rest will follow in terms of higher agricultural production, lower birthrates and greater overall prosperity. Rather than combat the bogy of overpopulation, then, those interested in averting global crises need to focus on sustainable development, education and public health in both poor and rich nations.
Los Angeles
Weigel compares “population science” to astrology, witchcraft and alchemy. Perhaps he has not heard of the 1992 proclamation of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the British Royal Academy on the subject of overpopulation and overconsumption. These scientists warn of “irreversible degradation of the environment or continued poverty for much of the world.” Presumably, he is also unaware that the Union of Concerned Scientists, a body composed of 104 Nobel laureates as well as thousands of other scientists, has also issued “Warning to Humanity.” An important recommendation in their plan for avoiding environmental disaster is population stabilization.
One must assume that he is ignorant of these statements since it is hard to imagine that he would place these distinguished scientists in the same category with witch doctors, alchemists and astrologers.
Regarding Vice President Al Gore’s commentary (“What We Really Want: Less Need for Abortion,” Sept. 2):
It is high time that Gore and the Clinton Administration stop pushing their liberal, anti-family agenda on America as well as the rest of the world. It is this Administration’s design to force its way into every aspect of private life even to the point of dictating to the families of the world how best to determine the size and quality of family life. The family has always and shall always be the basic unit of society. The government’s responsibility therefore is to ensure that the integrity of the family unit is preserved against all forms of destruction including coerced contraception, sterilization, infanticide, euthanasia and abortion.
This conference (supported fully by the U.S. government and the Clinton Administration) reduces the freedom and rights of the family by forcing immoral decisions as solutions to family issues. No government has the right to usurp from parents the authority that was bestowed by God.
Los Angeles
“Ideological Crackup on the Road to Cairo?” (editorial, Sept. 2) was most thought provoking and timely. However, the statement “crusading against promiscuity and birth control, the Vatican . . . “ needs clarification to avoid misunderstanding about the teaching of the Catholic Church.
The Vatican has always crusaded against artificial birth control and has consistently promoted natural family planning as a method to limit family size. Consequently, as you correctly state, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences recommended a worldwide average of two children per couple, which can be achieved by the natural family planning method. The technology and science are there, but it does take information, training, motivation and a modest degree (not heroic) of discipline or self-control. Most Catholic diocesan newspapers in the United States list locations and times for classes on natural family planning.
The Vatican accuses those who would address the overpopulation of this planet of being guilty of “biological colonialism” (Sept. 1). They ought to know a lot about this subject. Those in the world who subscribe to the prohibition of family planning, birth control and abortion fill the pews and coffers of the oldest biological colonists in the world. Let’s not forget the dead and dying of AIDS who think using a condom is a sin.
May it be that Pope John Paul II is as successful in Cairo as he has been at home. Italy, a predominantly Roman Catholic country, has legal family planning, birth control, abortion and consistently maintains the lowest per capita birthrate in the world. You can’t tell me they all practice “Vatican roulette.”
Woodland Hills