
ANTELOPE VALLEY : School Board OKs Removal of Confederacy Symbols

School board members voted Wednesday to eliminate the Confederate flag and some other Confederate symbols at Quartz Hill High School after a debate between those fighting for school tradition and those who say the symbols are racist.

The Antelope Valley Union School District board voted 4 to 0 in favor of Supt. Robert Girolamo’s recommendation that the school “eliminate all Confederate Army symbols from every aspect of the school, while maintaining the name, Rebels.”

“We’re all rebels. There’s nothing wrong with it,” said Linda Thompson-Taylor of the NAACP. “But there’s no place in our society for what the Confederacy represents.”


But health teacher Sharon De Shane, who wanted to keep the flag, said: “No one even knows what the Civil War is about anymore. Ask any student.”

Sanie Andres, a 17-year-old senior, said school spirit has plummeted since controversy over the symbols began.
