
OXNARD : 2 Men Rob Bank in Unusual Heist

Two tellers at an Oxnard bank were simultaneously held up by two bandits Friday afternoon, authorities said.

FBI Agent Gary Auer said the robbers walked into the Bank of America branch in the 1800 block of Oxnard Boulevard about 3:30 p.m., and each man went to a different teller window.

Each showed the respective teller a note demanding cash, and they fled together on foot, he said. Neither teller knew the other was being robbed during the holdup, Auer said.


Neither robber showed a weapon and each escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash, Auer said. They were last seen running south along Oxnard Boulevard.

One bandit was described as a thin Latino man in his late 20s, about 5 feet, 7 inches tall, with short, black hair and wearing a white T-shirt and black baseball cap. The other robber was described as a thin Latino man, in his mid-20s, 5 feet, 4 inches tall. He had a beard and mustache and wore shorts during the robbery, Auer said.

Auer said the robbery was the 25th bank heist in Ventura County this year.
