
Whittaker Subsidiary to Develop Fuel Nozzle

A unit of Whittaker Corp., an aerospace and telecommunications manufacturer based in Simi Valley, has signed an agreement to develop a consumer-safe fueling nozzle for liquid natural gas-powered vehicles.

Whittaker already claims to be the leading producer of aircraft fuel nozzles.

With the signing of an agreement with CALSTART Inc., a nonprofit clean-car consortium, Whittaker is entering the race to produce an environmentally acceptable nozzle for cars and trucks.

Whittaker Controls Inc., based in North Hollywood, will seek to design, develop and deliver the new nozzle. Also taking part is the federal government’s Advanced Research Projects Agency.


Michael J. Gage, president and chief executive of CALSTART, said Whittaker was selected because of its experience in aircraft fueling systems.

“The firm’s demonstrated capabilities will be critical to developing a fail-safe, lightweight and user-friendly refueling nozzle needed to make wide-scale deployment of natural-gas vehicles a reality,” he said.
