
D.A. Should Have Forwarded Letter

Re: “O.C. Grand Jury, D.A. Each Accused Other of Conflict,” Dec. 8.

The article referred to a 1993 letter from Auditor-Controller Steve E. Lewis, based on a 1991 audit, which pointed to irregular investment practices by former Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron. That letter had been sent to many county officials, including the Board of Supervisors.

Subsequent to the Orange County bankruptcy filing of December 1994, Dist. Atty. Michael R. Capizzi acknowledged that he had received a copy of the 1993 letter but said he hadn’t done anything about it because there were no violations of the laws of California. It appeared, therefore, that he just sat on it. Why didn’t he forward it to the appropriate federal authorities, asking them to take a look at it? Or, why didn’t he return it to Auditor Lewis and suggest what federal agencies the letter should be sent to?

In 1995, after the bankruptcy was filed, Capizzi’s office began to file criminal charges against various officials. Couldn’t he have started the same investigation, searches and filings in 1993? What had changed?



