
Crime Intervention Could Save a Life

The Valley Perspective comments on crime-fighters (“For Crime-Fighters, Streets Full of Risk,” Dec. 17) certainly puts the position of The Times editorial writer(s) in perspective.

When we pass a group of gang toughs beating up a local girl outside of the junior high school, are we to get on our cellular phone and simply call the police and drive on, knowing that we have done as The Times tells us? Forget that by the time the police arrive, if they come at all, the poor girl will have been robbed and beaten. Is this supposed to make us feel good that we have acted as a responsible citizen and not gotten involved to help our neighbor?

The apartment dweller who hears and sees a drunk with a knife in his hand attacking a neighbor--is he to close the door and call the police?


What kind of civic responsibility is The Times suggesting? Your proposal is, simply and bluntly put, stupid. I quote: “The message is obvious. If you witness a crime, stay clear and call the police immediately. Trying to handle the matter on your own can lead to tragic consequences.” It sure can. Let the other guy get beaten, robbed, possibly killed. Better him than me. Boy, I hope you guys are never assigned to protect my flank.

I also hope the writer never finds the occasion where he is being robbed, possibly being beaten, cries for help from others nearby, and watches them get in their cars and drive on, or close their doors and turn up the TV so that they cannot hear his pleas for help.

In today’s society, all citizens must act responsibly and agree to help others against the violence of the predators that roam our streets. There are simply not enough police to protect us all.


To your editorial writers: Wake up. Understand what is going on in our communities. It is the grossest type of civic irresponsibility to ignore criminal activity, turn our backs and hope it never happens to us.




Sunday’s Valley Perspective had an editorial advising those witnessing a crime to “stay clear and call the police immediately. Handling the matter on your own can lead to tragic consequence.”

Sound advice? Absolutely not; that is the reason we have so much crime. The criminal knows he will get away to do it over and over again.


Teddy Roosevelt had it right when he said to carry a big stick. Every one knew exactly what he meant. William Masters II, Keith Brown and Daniel McDonald were right too, and I want them and The Times editorial writer to know that there are many of us who would do much the same thing. In addition, we support the Los Angeles Police Department 100% in everything it does.

How do you like those apples?


Woodland Hills
