
Eateries to Pay Fee for Outdoor Dining

Despite pleas by some downtown restaurant owners, the city will impose fees on eateries that use sidewalks and other public areas for outdoor dining.

Michele Turner, owner of the Sugar Shack, told the City Council this week that the user fees may be too steep for some restaurants, many of which are already struggling to stay open.

“I’m begging you to be fair,” Turner said. “I want to be able to charge 50 cents for a cup of coffee. . . . Don’t try and nickel and dime everybody.”


Restaurant owners using sidewalks and parkways will have to pay a $30 fee this year, and then an annual $300 license subsequently. City officials expect to immediately handle about half a dozen applications.

The license requires operators to maintain and clean outdoor dining areas on public sidewalks and parkways. In addition, the license fee covers city inspections and administration costs.

Also approved was a charge of 1 cent per square foot to use the public right-of-way.

Council members said that because businesses are using public property for personal gain, they ought to pay.


“Why should citizens of Huntington Beach subsidize downtown businesses?” Councilman Ralph Bauer asked.

But Councilman Dave Garofalo voted against the fees because they are “punitive.”

“We’re picking on one class of merchants,” he said. “We’re determined to put everyone in downtown Huntington Beach out of business.”
