
Pacoima : Needy Families to Get Free Child Safety Seats

Free baby car seats will be given to 30 needy families who recently received citations for driving vehicles with children who were not strapped into child safety seats.

Although the 30 families each received a $200 fine, they also were given vouchers for free child safety seats, redeemable at 10 a.m. today at the Los Angeles Police Department’s Foothill Division, 12760 Osborne St. in Pacoima.

The third annual “Project Safe Baby” seat giveaway is sponsored by LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division, Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon and Midas Muffler Inc.


State law requires that children who weigh less than 40 pounds or who are younger than 4 must be transported in a child car seat.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 700 children ranging from infancy to 4 died in traffic accidents in 1994. About 75,000 children in that age bracket were injured in accidents.

The 30 safety seats were provided by Midas at wholesale cost.
