
San Gabriel Valley : PIG HEAVEN

Pork was on the menu at the San Dimas City Council this week.

Two potbellied pigs named Bo and Penelope are squealing with delight after the council’s decision to change a no-pig law as old as the city and let the pets stay with owners Lee and Allen Cromer.

“They make pretty good pets. They are very intelligent,” said Councilman Denis Bertone. “Only a city insecure about its image would object and San Dimas isn’t.”

Bertone said the city staff will draw up a new ordinance allowing one potbelly pig in each single-family home and more than one for large estates like the Cromers’ ranch. He added, “I think they’ll be licensed just like dogs.”


Meanwhile, the La Puente City Council isn’t so fond of potbellied pigs. It has ordered legal action be taken to remove an 80-pound porker named Montana from a resident’s home.
