
V-Chip as a Curb on TV Violence

People who are concerned about rising TV violence and who see the solution in the “V-chip” may find they’ve put their faith in the wrong place. This new technology is likely to unleash even more violent programming. Once TV programs are rated and coded so that parents at home can block them, producers will make and TV cable networks will air even more graphic programs--on grounds that since viewers have the discretion of blocking it out, anything can go on the small screen. And as long as there is a market for it, anything will. You can count on it.

The only law that has been enacted by Congress with respect to the violent content of TV shows is the law of unintended conse- quences.


Los Angeles

David Horowitz makes a good case for the improvement of the quality of the top movies in 1995 and the quality of prime time television (Commentary, Feb. 8). What he neglects to mention are the hundreds of B-movies Hollywood continues to pump out and the quality of television’s “not for prime time” movies and shows. There is still the demeaning of human life and moral values, the same witless plots (shoot somebody every five minutes and blow something up--including people--every 10 minutes).


I know it is difficult to quantify, but there is in my mind a certainty that unstable and frustrated youths (and immature adults) are not going to improve the quality of their lives by watching this kind of fare. Why do our entertainment moguls seem to think it would be so deadly dull for two parties in a dispute, with a helpful mediator, to sit down and reason with each other looking for a “win-win” situation? This is what we all need to do in our own lives and we could all enhance our skills by watching a well-done scene. It could be high drama and could contribute to a well-done movie.

Would it be too much for our entertainment moguls to try to produce “entertainment” that pleased, instructed and enhanced the quality of the viewers’ lives? Then they wouldn’t have to isolate themselves in gated communities that despoil every ridgeline in my beloved state. They wouldn’t have to be so worried about the random mindless violence they are now helping to create!


Santa Monica
