
HIV Provision in Defense Bill

I am appalled at “Clinton OKs Defense Authorization Bill” (Feb. 11), about the bill that President Clinton was forced to sign to benefit our service members. An amendment that was put on that bill by Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) to discharge all service members if they tested positive for the HIV virus was both discriminatory and out of touch with mainstream America.

How dare such a man be allowed to represent the people of California! For him to state that anyone who tests positive for the HIV virus lives an “immoral lifestyle” is totally preposterous. Where does he get his information? Read any literature that is put out on the HIV virus and you can find out what may have caused it. Granted, you can acquire the virus by sexual contact, but then again, there are other ways that it can be contacted. What about Ryan White--im- moral?

I hope the ACLU, etc., jumps on this bandwagon. Better yet, I hope Orange County voters finally realize they have “a right-wing zealot” representing them, and make their opinion known in November.



Simi Valley

In response to Dornan’s assertion that anyone who contracts HIV was engaged in immoral activities, I must ask our esteemed (extreme?) congressman this question: How immoral were Arthur Ashe and Elizabeth Glaser?


Garden Grove
