
Southeast : Lawsuit Seeks to Halt Sports Complex at Park

The battle over a sports complex at El Dorado Park in Long Beach has moved to Los Angeles Superior Court.

Although it was approved recently by the City Council, a plan to build athletic fields and snack bars on about 40 acres of the park continues to inflame a group of residents who want the space to remain open and adjacent streets free of traffic.

This week, the group’s attorney filed a lawsuit that claims that the project’s 1990 environmental impact review did not address more recent revisions to the plan, including the addition of a hockey rink and pubs.


“We would like to see the sports complex moved to another location that is not environmentally sensitive,” attorney Jean Martin said.

City staff had not seen the suit and declined to comment.

However, City Councilman Les Robbins, whose district includes the park, said the project is much the same as when the review was completed.

“The project really hasn’t changed much at all,” he said, except for the additional batting cages, rink and venues that would serve alcohol.


Martin said the opposition group--dubbed Save the Park by Sharing the Facts--also wants to institute a law requiring that any decisions on the use of Long Beach open space be made by voters through a citywide referendum. . . .
