
Tickets for Parking Lot Violations OKd

Camarillo traffic officers will soon be able to write tickets to errant drivers who run stop signs or commit other moving violations in the parking lots of some of the most popular attractions in Camarillo.

Under an ordinance approved earlier this week by the Camarillo City Council, drivers will not always be protected by state laws that prevent police from issuing citations on private property.

The owners of the Edwards Cinema multiplex, the Camarillo Factory Stores mall, the Pardee Plaza Shopping Center and the Camarillo Town Center under construction requested that police patrol their property.


Owners of about a dozen other Camarillo retail centers already granted law enforcement officials the same permission.

Before voting to approve the request, Mayor David M. Smith told his council colleagues a story about when his eldest son was 16 years old.

The boy was cited for speeding recklessly through a Camarillo parking lot. After Smith lectured him about responsibility, a judge threw the ticket out of court because it was issued on private property, Smith said.


“There’s a reason for what we’re doing,” he concluded.

The new law goes into effect next month.
