
Another ‘Hacksaw’ Story

Elaine Dutka’s story on writer Ed “Hacksaw” Jones made it sound as though his new life, replete with seven-figure paychecks and a good woman by his side, began five weeks ago with his release from prison (“Finally Out of the Pen, Now He’s Taken Up One,” Feb. 22).

Those of us who know Ed as a friend valued for his gentle spirit, keen mind and philosophical and humorous take on life view his recent imprisonment and 16 months torn out of his now-tranquil life in the mountains as a shocking aberration and terrible injustice, not just another repetition of “Hacksaw Goes Back to the Slammer” as it was characterized in the story.

Dutka also left out what I’ve always considered one of the best anecdotes about Hacksaw, one that he has always taken some slightly perverse pride in: being the only man to ever make the “10 Most Wanted” list without having committed a violent crime.



Santa Monica
