
Same-Sex Marriages Topic of Soka Lecture

Soka University will kick off its spring human rights lecture series tonight with a talk by anthropologist Walter Williams, who will discuss same-sex marriages.

“The Right to Marry for Same-Sex Couples: A Historical Perspective” is the topic of the talk by Williams, a USC professor of anthropology in the Program for the Study of Women and Men in Society. He has also written a number of essays on inter-ethnic relations, gender and sexuality.

Other lecturers in the free spring series include, on March 20, criminologist James Q. Wilson, who will speak on “A New Morality in an Age of Crime.” On April 10, Arun Gandhi, the grandson of the late Mahatma Gandhi, will discuss “Non-Violence or Non-Existence: Options for the 21st Century.”


Williams’ lecture will begin at 7 p.m. at the school, 26800 W. Mulholland Highway in Calabasas. Seating is limited and reservations are recommended.

For information, call the school at (818) 878-3780.
