
Say Your Prayers on Dump Measure

The residents of the modest Valley Vista tract near Weldon Canyon are surely saying their prayers already, for big bucks that is, $22,727 for every man, woman and child to relocate if Measure T on the March 26 ballot succeeds and Weldon becomes a 550-acre dump.

In 1994, 22 nuns living near the Bailard Landfill in Oxnard received a settlement of $500,000 from the Regional Sanitation District. Convent residents were “suffering health problems they attribute to the landfill,” a news article said. The nuns had long complained and were hoping for “deliverance” from the sea gulls and their droppings and from the noise, dust and odor of the 180-acre dump. The nuns were to move when receiving the settlement, but could retain their 3.5-acre convent property near Bailard.

One can’t help but wonder if the facilitators of the Weldon Canyon dump and its private operators are prepared to pay $100 million-plus in settlement should Weldon become a giant landfill. What was fair for the nuns is also fair for the Valley Vista residents.


If Measure T succeeds, we must be prepared to pay considerably higher trash fees at Weldon, since any settlement costs would be passed on to us consumers. Perhaps we all should start praying.


