
Settlement in College Swatting

As colleagues of Prof. Julian Foster, I and some other senior members of Cal State Fullerton’s political science department find it regrettable that at no point in your coverage of the Keary Johns case (“$35,000 Settlement in College Swatting Suit,” March 30, and earlier) have you ever acknowledged Prof. Foster’s exceptionally distinguished career at Cal State Fullerton.

An outstanding professor of political science, he won the high regard of students and faculty alike. His colleagues demonstrated this regard by twice electing him department chair, three times to chair the university’s Academic Senate and once to serve on the systemwide Academic Senate of the California State University system.

Indeed some of his greatest achievements were in the area of collegial governance, where he was influential throughout his career. In this capacity he probably did more than any other faculty member to shape Cal State into the institution that it is today. He always took a great interest in junior faculty members, mentoring them and encouraging them to be involved in university governance. A large number of today’s faculty leaders are in those positions because of his initial interest and encouragement.


We have no doubt that were it not for this tragic incident, Dr. Foster would still be active in, and making valuable contributions to, the university today.


Professor of Political Science

Cal State Fullerton


* I oppose the corporal punishment issue 100%, and for those who agree with it, just try to imagine a grown man being able to take out his aggression on kids. It would be out of control and too many people would use this law the wrong way. I could see this working 40 years ago, but nowadays people’s minds are twisted.

As for Keary Johns, all I can say is that I commend you for not striking back at this professor. Most people these days have so little respect that they would have knocked that teacher out cold. This type of thing has never happened to me nor anyone I know, and in the future I wish it can never happen legally.


But for the meantime, maybe this situation will help keep other teachers from even thinking about touching a student.


Dana Point
