
LAPD’s Troubled Computer System

It was quite refreshing to read Cmdr. Bill Russell’s candid and direct comments on the LAPD’s computer system (April 2). Notably absent were the usual excuses for nonperformance and resource woes.

The Police Department was fortunate in receiving a donation of equipment and engineering support from the Mayor’s Alliance for a Safer Los Angeles (MASLA) to “jump-start” its archaic and neglected technological infrastructure. Absent the completion of a network engineering commitment by an outside firm, the enormous task of designing, engineering and implementing a major network reverted back to a handful of department personnel without network experience on this scale.

The size of this task cannot be understated. One must not overlook the tremendous effort and commitment by those installing 800 workstations and providing service to 3,000 police users, and installations are continuing. A commitment to technical support, training and ongoing development is required, not ire at those who recognize the problems. The benefits, time and paperwork savings are clear, but a project of this magnitude cannot proceed on a shoestring.


Perhaps the city will recognize it’s time to move into the ‘90s with the proper equipment, expertise, support and resources. Russell was refreshingly honest.


Project Coordinator

LAPD-MASLA Network Project
