
April is proving to be a big...

April is proving to be a big month for science-related events: Comet Hyakutake, wildflowers blooming and the 26th anniversary of Earth Day all are on tap this month. A sampling of the events being offered around Southern California:


- The big news is Comet Hyakutake, the brightest comet to appear in 20 years, according to the Griffith Observatory, which has become “Comet Central” for the event. The multimedia planetarium program “Comet Fever,” playing Tuesdays through Thursdays, gives information on how to find and observe Hyakutake and information on comets in general. There will also be comet viewing seven nights a week until the comet disappears in late April. (213) 664-1191.

The observatory’s Sky Report has also been transformed into a “Comet Hotline” with recorded information on Hyakutake. (213) 663-8171.


- The exotic and violent volcanoes of the solar system, from Mauna Kea in Hawaii to the liquid nitrogen geysers of Triton, the largest of Neptune’s moons, will be the focus of a Santa Monica College astronomy program April 12 and 19 in Room 1 of the Science Village. Programs are at 8 p.m. after the “Night Sky Show” at 7. (310) 452-9396.


- Ranger Trude Hurde will discuss the flora and fauna of Orange County’s San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary at the monthly meeting of the Whittier Audubon Society, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Whittier Community Center. (310) 869-8420.

- The Laguna Canyon Foundation in Laguna Beach will hold fund-raising hikes April 27 at 8 and 8:45 a.m.


The two-hour “March for Parks” will wind through the 15,000-acre Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. Participants receive T-shirts and views of wildflowers. Space is limited. Cost is $20. (714) 855-7275.

- The Oak Canyon Nature Center in Anaheim will celebrate spring by taking a closer look at edible plants. Children ages 7 to 10 will learn how to identify native plants and take a wildflower walk in the canyon, April 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. Reservations: (714) 998-8380.

- Friends of Madrona Marsh will sponsor nature walks April 27 and 28 at 10 a.m. and a marsh restoration project April 13 at 9 a.m. To mark Earth Day, members of the group will lead a walk April 22 at 4 p.m. (310) 32-MARSH.


- The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro will have an Earth Day fair April 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. featuring hands-on activities for all ages, a coastline “spring cleaning” and exhibits and demonstrations by local organizations throughout the day. (310) 548-7562.
