
FOOD CHAIN: Why is the Calabasas-based Cheesecake...

FOOD CHAIN: Why is the Calabasas-based Cheesecake Factory chain making money, while Hamburger Hamlet, headquartered in Sherman Oaks, struggles? . . . In Business today (D1), an exploration of the alchemy of a winning restaurant formula. There’s even one big, fat success story that goes against the (whole) grain.

ELECTION DAZE: It’s Election Day in Lancaster and Santa Clarita. Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Don’t despair if you’ve lost that unusual lavender sample ballot the cities sent out to call attention to the election. To find your polling place in Lancaster, call (805) 723-6020. In Santa Clarita call either (805) 255-4390, (805) 255-4375 or (805) 255-4395.

STAYING ALIVE: Sherman Oaks Hospital volunteer Starr Mitchell celebrated her 100th birthday Monday (B3). . . . The still-active worker remembers a “grumpy guy” she encountered in Room 217 two years ago. He didn’t feel up to visitors. She told him to get well, anyway. . . . The patient turned out to be Rep. Howard L. Berman, suffering mightily from pneumonia. Even in that condition, she said, he won her over.


DRIVING RANGE: At CSUN this week, there’s a class being offered in defensive driving--golf carts. Spokesman Bruce Erickson said all state employees are required to learn how to zip across campus safely. . . . After his experience jamming around after the Northridge earthquake, he said, the classes may not be a bad idea. “I’ve almost lost a few passengers.”
