
New Mayor Sees Reuse of Air Base as Priority

Tracy Worley, a former tennis champion elected to the City Council two years ago, was chosen this week as the city’s mayor.

Worley was elected unanimously to the one-year term by her colleagues, who also chose Councilman Jeffery M. Thomas as mayor pro tem.

“I’ve very honored and privileged to serve as mayor,” said Worley, 36, who is the city’s third female mayor.


“As I look ahead, two issues stand out: the development of the Tustin Marine Corps Air Station . . . and development of new parks and programs,” Worley said.

Calling the Marine base “the last frontier of development” in the city, Worley said that focusing on its conversion to civilian uses when it closes in 1997 is a top priority.

“It’s critical that the reuse not become a financial drain on the city and is something we can all be proud of,” she said.


Worley also emphasized developing parks and youth programs as a way to steer children away from gangs and crime.

As the only female council member, Worley said jokingly that one of her roles will be “to keep these guys in line.” But the statement wasn’t far from the truth, her colleagues said. “In a large respect, she’s brought the council together,” Councilman Thomas R. Saltarelli said.

The March election that returned incumbents Saltarelli, Thomas and Jim Potts to office was often contentious and bitter. “We need to let the campaign wounds heal,” Worley said. “Our diverse opinions should be our strength.”


On certain key issues during her term, Worley has cast the deciding vote. She has sided with Saltarelli and Thomas on some occasions and at other times with Potts and Councilman Michael J. Doyle.

Worley, a Tustin native who has played competitive tennis at Wimbledon, now works as a medical administrator.
