
Support the Meritorious

Earl Ofari Hutchinson’s article “It’s Time to Start Rejecting Demeaning Images in Films” (April 8) was right on target.

I am so tired of seeing African Americans constantly depicted in the same old, tired stereotypical manner. How many drug addicts, whores, welfare mothers and gangbangers do we have to be subjected to before we say enough is enough?

African Americans are college graduates, clerical workers, professionals, homeowners and just average working people. And yes, a tiny minority of them have been in jail. In Hollywood, this minority becomes the majority.


In my opinion, there have only been two television shows with African American casts that have had any merit: the late “The Cosby Show” and the very lamented “Frank’s Place.” I could watch these shows every week and not cringe.

As consumers, we have to be more diligent with our hard-earned dollars. I refuse to support anything that is demeaning to my people.


Los Angeles
