
Ordinance Regulating Fence Heights Clarified

The City Council has given preliminary approval to a revision in its wall and fence ordinance to make clear that fences can be no taller than 3 1/2 feet in front of a home and 6 feet in back.

The ordinance would regulate where fences and walls can be erected and allow for exceptions to the height requirement only if the barriers do not create traffic hazards and are approved by the council.

Final approval of the revised ordinance is expected next month.

In another matter, officials said the city will produce an information flier to let residents know where their property lines are. Because Villa Park has no sidewalks, many home owners don’t know that “their property line may not be where they think it is,” said Councilman John Frackelton.


The hand-outs, City Manager Fred Maley said, should clear up confusion.

The main point of the flier: “The curb line is not the property line,” Maley said.
