
Rethink Priorities

Re “One-Fourth of Schools’ Quake Repairs Undone,” Oct.15.

After reading about all the schools that need repair and seeing the same discussions on television, it would seem we have our priorities reversed. The argument should not be about raising taxes, it should be about requiring our current elected representatives to make intelligent choices in their spending of the tax money they have.

How many schools could we repair and upgrade for the money the city is pouring into the subway project? A subway project that is over budget, behind schedule, has unresolved safety problems, has a history of questionable management decisions and of engineering disasters. Add to this the fact that the subway, like the city bus and rail lines, will be subsidized forever and will never come close to breaking even on expenses, much less pay back the money invested or turn a profit.

A subway is one of the last things Los Angeles needs. It should come after schools, police, fire, libraries and parks.



