
Counting the Days

Your article on the history of “Europe on $5 a Day” (“Frommer’s World Is a Little Pricier,” Oct. 27) doesn’t go back far enough. I still have my dog-eared copy of “G.I.’s Guide to Traveling in Europe” by PFC Arthur Frommer, published in 1955 in Oberammergau, Germany, and sold at U.S. military newsstands at the time.

In addition to chapters on “Free Air Force Flights,” “Discount Train Travel” and other travel benefits available to military personnel at that time, the book contains much useful general information on hotels, restaurants and trains.

In his preface, Frommer explains that he personally gathered the information during his U.S. Army tour of duty in Europe, then just ending. I’ve occasionally looked back at the book with nostalgia for those bargain prices and to relocate some fondly remembered spot.



Hacienda Heights
