
Plan for New Schools Gets Some Support

A consultant’s report released Friday provides supporting data for a panel’s $120-million plan to build at least four schools in the Ventura Unified School District by 2010.

The 237-page report provides additional data for city officials and trustees to review when they meet Jan. 13. At that time, a committee dealing with school overcrowding will unveil recommendations to build at least two elementary schools, a middle school and a high school. Also, the committee will suggest that several elementary schools be combined and that Mound elementary school be moved to a more central location.

Data from the consultant’s report show that district enrollment is projected to grow from the current 16,733 students to 20,220 by 2010.


The report also supports the idea that elementary schools are needed in the city’s west and east ends because of crowding and projected enrollment increases.

Both the committee’s report and his have the same goal, said Ventura consultant Rob Corley, an expert on school facilities who was the committee’s facilitator. “The way to look at this is as more of an implementation, or almost a management report,” he said.
