
LAPD, Immigrants

* Advocates for illegal immigrants, like the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, seem to have an inexhaustible supply of reasons why it is too difficult to enforce our immigration laws (“It’s Not LAPD’s Job to Ask Who Is a Legal Resident,” Commentary, Dec. 20).

It seems that no matter what is suggested, they can find an anecdotal case to illustrate how some innocent party may potentially be harmed.

Given what we have been reading in The Times recently about the extent of illegal alien involvement in gang activity in this city, a blanket prohibition against the LAPD cooperating in the removal of illegal aliens ignores critical issues of public safety.


Surely the various federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, which we support with our tax dollars, can find a way to work together. Reasonable guidelines, and what constitutes reasonable suspicion, can and should be established. What is unreasonable is to require the LAPD to simply look the other way.

IRA MEHLMAN, Media Director

Federation for American

Immigration Reform

Los Angeles
