
Family Activities Mark Baby Celebration Day at Calvary Chapel Today

Calvary Chapel-Costa Mesa is hosting Baby Celebration Day, a family event that features games, toys and clothing giveaways, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today.

Stroller races, baby weight-lifting contests, music, lunch and other activities also are planned. Special events focus on babies 1 to 3 years old, but families are encouraged to bring children of all ages. Couples without children and singles also are invited.

“These babies are a blessing,” said church member Simon Cassar. “We want to get that message out there that these babies are not a burden.”


The event was started three years ago by church members to celebrate rearing children, a tenet that is stressed in the Christian parish.

Organizers said the event will contain some anti-abortion themes.

“They’re activities that promote the family, that promote life,” Cassar said. “I am pro-life, and this is the way we should address the issue.”

The church is at 3800 S. Fairview Road in Santa Ana.
