
County’s Slogan Less Than Perfect

Regarding the Jan. 8 article on the Orange County Tourism Council’s new slogan [“Orange County, The Perfect California”] and logo, I trust there is time to rectify a deplorable theme and reconcile image with perception.

Apparently these myopic professionals who conceived this notion of “perfection” have never ventured to San Diego or San Francisco, much less paradise. If this is the “best” effort of paid professionals, beware of being killed with faint praise, such as “it’s catchy.”

The council would have fared better sending out oranges to the world from the seat of nirvana.


My impression of Orange County is Saddleback looming with Disneyland, the beach, superlative high-rises and planned communities, and the accompanying sentiment: “Come a Weekend, Stay a Lifetime.”.

Of course, why ask me? I’m just an outsider. Good luck, Orange County.


