
Charter Reform

* Re “L.A. Charter Reform Panels: Two Is One Too Many,” editorial, Jan. 19: Considering the shortage of funds in Los Angeles, which has caused the curtailment of many necessary services, it is exasperating that the politically motivated actions of both the City Council and mayor are going to cause unnecessary waste of taxpayers’ money in having two commissions study charter reform.

This is a prime example of why the American public is becoming disenchanted with politicians and the political process as it is currently practiced.

If the council and mayor are unable to put the interest of the people of Los Angeles ahead of their own political objectives, infighting and bickering, then I suggest that the voters of this city should take the necessary steps to rid ourselves of the problem. We can do this by voting the entire group out of office at the earliest opportunity and replacing them with people who will be able to work together. The people of Los Angeles deserve better than this.



Los Angeles
