
Parents Workshop on Delinquency Planned

The Ventura Police Department and the Ventura Unified School District will hold their second Parent Awareness and Education Workshop at Ventura High School.

The meeting, from 7 to 9 p.m. today, is intended to educate parents about gangs, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency and community resources available to deal with such problems. The first workshop was held Feb. 10 at Buena High School. The third and final workshop is scheduled for April 21 at De Anza Middle School.

Ventura Police Officer John Castellanos, who is helping to organize the workshops, emphasized that the meetings are not just for parents who suspect their children may be gang members.


“There’s something for every parent,” he said. “I think a lot of parents think these workshops are only for problem kids.”

Professionals from the Ventura Police Department, the district attorney’s office, Anacapa Hospital in Port Hueneme and the Ventura Unified School District will provide advice and suggestions for parents on how to steer their children clear of delinquent behavior.

The evening will start with a slide show about gang violence, taken from actual crime scenes. An officer from the Special Enforcement Team will speak about gang graffiti, tagging and “piecing” (creating a so-called “masterpiece” of art).


Parents will also have a chance to see slides of common drugs and related paraphernalia.
