
Pleasant Holidays . . .

Although I have mixed feelings about letting the world in on my little secret, I have to commend you on Christopher Reynolds’ story on Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays (“Waikiki . . . 7 Nights,” March 23). Every bit of it is true.

Once I discovered this company, I never traveled to Hawaii any other way. Only once, since my first Pleasant Hawaiian experience (years ago) did I try another way, which involved traveling with another couple and using their friend’s condo in Maui. Lucky me, though. This complex had a Pleasant Hawaiian counter.

I went over to the desk to thank them for being such a great company. Well, that famous Hawaiian spirit greeted me right back and with it an offer to help in any way they could. Never mind I wasn’t traveling with them this time.


When there is a glitch, they have been more than willing to correct it and did so immediately. They are the best.


Studio City
