
Police Ask Council for Salary Increases

Dozens of police officers waited more than four hours to tell the City Council that they need a raise--and if they don’t get it, Ventura will have trouble recruiting and retaining top officers.

The Ventura police officers filled the council chambers Monday night, hoping that their personal message would bring a close to almost six months of salary negotiations. They have been working without a contract since November, when their two-year contract ended.

“We feel that it is important that the police force be able to recruit the best police officers available--and retain them, in order to safeguard this community,” said Officer Ross Nideffer in his three-minute rapid-fire presentation.


Det. Bill Dzuro told the council that the median salary for Ventura officers is 6 1/2% below that of many nearby police and sheriff’s departments, and Simi Valley and Oxnard police are paid about 12% more than Ventura officers. The department recruits statewide, and it is hard to get young officers to consider Ventura if the city cannot offer a competitive salary, he said.

“Prospective employees can overlook a small difference--of say 5%,” he said. “But 12%--that is going to affect their decision of where they go.”
