
She’ll Never Forget Probst’s Generosity

Bravo to the article about Carol Probst (April 17). As a resident of Lake Arrowhead from 1982-85 I had the pleasure of working for Carol and Walter Probst on several occasions. Their warmth, generosity and unpretentiousness never ceased to amaze me.

What the article failed to note was at the time the original Ice Castle was built it was the only form of entertainment and amusement available for the children in the Lake Arrowhead area. The Probsts also knew that for the most part it would not be a profit-making venture.

It was only through the generosity of Walter and Carol, by completely footing the bill for a benefit at the Ice Castle, that gave my daughter the opportunity to become a foreign exchange student, an experience which was to change her life forever. (And she was not a skater.)


I will forever be indebted to the Probsts for their kindness and philosophy of providing a chance to those with talent and willingness, but lack of financial means to achieve their goals.


San Francisco
