
Rall Cartoon

What were you thinking when you published that insulting cartoon by Ted Rall (Commentary, April 21)? I do take offense at the insensitiveness and biased thinking of Rall. I wonder what questions or advice his parents imparted to him when he was growing up?

For the record, I and my wife, as nonwhite people (Americans of African descent), have two children; one is a deputy sheriff and the other will soon graduate from nursing school. Most of my friends have very similar experience with their children. I would suggest to you that most Americans, blacks included, do plan ahead and work hard so that their children may do well and be successful in life.



Editor’s note: The cartoon in question, by syndicated cartoonist Ted Rall, was actually intended as a biting and sarcastic criticism of the gap between the opportunities available for many white children and the opportunities available for many black children.
