
High School Assistant Basketball Coach Arrested on Suspicion of Molesting Student

An assistant boys basketball coach at Crenshaw High School in South Los Angeles has been arrested on suspicion of sexually molesting and attempting to rape a female student, police said Wednesday.

Wesley Green Jr., 35, was arrested Monday on suspicion of oral copulation and attempted rape with a minor, said Det. Raul Galindo of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Green was being held at Parker Center jail in lieu of $50,000 bail, an LAPD spokesman said.


The alleged incidents occurred within the past month, police said. The age of the victim was not released.

Green has been a volunteer junior varsity coach for the past three years. Crenshaw has the most successful boys basketball team in the state, and won the City Section and State Division I titles this past season.

“I’m in shock over what I’m hearing,” Crenshaw Coach Willie West said. “Wesley has never been a problem, so this is definitely out of character if it’s true.”


Crenshaw administrators could not be reached for comment.
