
Camarillo Health Fair Scheduled Today

Free and low-cost screenings will be featured today at St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital’s annual Community Health Fair.

“It’s a great community service,” St. John’s spokeswoman Debra Belding-Hillman said. “The free screenings are done by area doctors who are donating their time and expertise.”

Free and reduced-cost health services include screenings for skin cancer, allergies and asthma.


“The reduced prices are helpful to people who don’t have insurance or haven’t been able to meet their insurance deductibles,” Belding-Hillman said.

The health fair, now in its 20th year, attracted nearly 400 people last year.

“I start getting phone calls early on,” Belding-Hillman said. “People look forward to this because if they aren’t seeing doctors regularly then they at least come to this.”

No appointments are required for the health fair, which will be held at St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital, 2309 Antonio Ave., from 8 to 11 a.m.


For more information, call 389-5176.
