
Hearing Is Tonight on Ortega Highway Plans

The City Council will seek public comment at a meeting tonight on a Caltrans proposal to widen portions of Ortega Highway.

The plan calls for Caltrans to expand Ortega Highway between Interstate 5 and Rancho Viejo Road to help relieve traffic problems along the congested corridor.

The westbound right turn lane on Ortega would be extended from Rancho Viejo to the I-5 northbound onramp, according to the plans. A 400-foot-long eastbound right turn lane would be created at the Ortega and Rancho Viejo intersection.


“The widening project provides some needed circulation improvement,” Brian Perry, the city’s senior civil engineer, said of the traffic lanes. “I think the city’s happy to see them going in.”

Plans also call for building a landscaped slope and retaining wall at the entrance to Mission San Juan Capistrano Cemetery, along the north side of Ortega between Avenida Los Cerritos and Rancho Viejo.

If the proposal meets approval, Caltrans officials hope to start the project next summer.

Tonight’s meeting starts at 7 in City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto. Information: (714) 493-1171.
