
2 UCLA Students Drown in Lake Mead

Two UCLA students drowned at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area during a fraternity outing, authorities said Monday.

National Park Service rangers recovered the bodies of Lamda Chi Alpha fraternity brothers Brian Thomas Pearce, 22, and Brian Toshio Sanders, 19, from about 30 feet of water in Cathedral Cove, UCLA officials said.

“Our hearts go out to the families of these students,” said Vice Chancellor Winston Doby.

More than 50 people attended the Lamda Chi Alpha outing. Witnesses told rangers that Pearce, a senior business economics major from Indian Wells, dove into the water from a 20-foot cliff Saturday night. He surfaced, but drowned as he tried to climb out of the water.


Sanders, a junior from San Carlos, Calif., who was majoring in computer science engineering, dove in after Pearce.
