
Activists Use Rally to Set Stage for ‘Stand for Children Day’ on June 1


Children’s issues are the unifying concern for Stand for Children, a nationwide grass-roots movement.

“Standing for children is the common denominator,” said Chris Lamm, Fullerton College’s child development department coordinator and Stand for Children’s state director.

“We can’t afford not to stand for children. I think all children are at risk today and we need to realize that everyone needs to take responsibility in providing a safe and healthy environment for them to grow up and be productive adults.”


Lamm and Fullerton College faculty and students recently staged a rally on campus to raise awareness of the campaign and invite people to the second annual “Stand for Children Day” June 1 at Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana.

On that date, teachers, child-care providers, hospitals, schools and parents will sponsor a fair, offering free immunizations and child-rearing advice. In addition, parents will get tips on health care and referrals to organizations that deal with child abuse, safety and education.

Last year, about 200,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington to tell politicians that cutting spending on welfare, medical care and other social programs for the poor ultimately affects millions of politically disenfranchised youngsters.


This year, organizers including the Children’s Defense Fund say they will continue the campaign, urging people to make sure that every child gets a healthy start in life. More than 80 people at Thursday’s rally signed pledges to take part in the effort.

“By taking a stand for children, we can come to solutions” to such problems as child abuse and neglect, Lamm said.

The June 1 event will be from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (714) 992-7033.
