
Seats Open on Arts, Planning Boards

The city is accepting applications for six seats that will soon be open on the city’s arts and planning commissions.

Four Laguna Beach Arts Commission terms will expire July 1, as will two seats on the Planning Commission. The deadline for filing applications is June 11.

Planning commissioners serve two-year terms and meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., and at other times as necessary. Meetings may be more than three hours long and require substantial preparation.


Members are paid $60 monthly. They review land-use issues and make recommendations to the City Council regarding zoning and other development matters. Experience in areas such as architecture, engineering and land-use planning is helpful.

Arts commissioners, who also serve two-year terms, meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Meeting and preparation time can be at least several hours per week. They are paid $40 per month.

The Arts Commission advises the City Council on various matters involving the arts in Laguna Beach. Four of the seven commission members must be active participants in the arts.


Applications are now available in the city clerk’s office in City Hall at 505 Forest Ave. The City Council will interview applicants and make the appointments at 6 p.m. June 17 in council chambers at City Hall.

Information: (714) 497-0705.
