
Arts Council Plans Seminar on Tourism

The Ventura County Arts Council is thinking ahead. Far ahead.

Acting on predictions by tourist industry experts that tourism will be the nation’s top moneymaker by the turn of the century, council members have announced a one-day seminar to help cash in on the bounty.

The council will host the Cultural Tourism Strategic Planning Session on Tuesday at the Heritage House in Oxnard. The group hopes to form a countywide cultural tourism plan.

Topics include using the arts to make Ventura County a year-round tourist destination, increasing the number of visitors and getting them to stay longer by using local art resources, increasing opportunities for artists, and preserving cultural and historic resources.


The county’s art galleries, theaters, festivals, museums and historic spots make the region a prime travel location, members of the Ventura County Arts Council believe.

The event, open to the public, begins at 10 a.m. Heritage House is at 715 South A St. in Oxnard. There is no charge.
