
Raves for the Dynamic Duo

I went to Los Angeles for the Warner Bros. press premiere last weekend of “Batman & Robin” and had a heck of a good time! Pandemonium reigned in Westwood, where the preview audience--journalists, UCLA students and younger kids--went berserk as soon as the Bat logo appeared on screen. And there were more crescendos of applause at every single name in the opening credits. Then they settled down for the slam-bang opening showing George Clooney / Batman and Chris O’Donnell / Robin getting into their rubber suits. Much applause for every sexy close-up of the suits--armpit, belt, nipples, taut behinds, etc.

Sometimes I wish I were not a longtime friend of director Joel Schumacher so I could rave without fear of reprisal when I like one of his movies. I can only say, truthfully, that I have not liked every one of Schumacher’s movies but I believe “Batman & Robin”--in spite of its historic comic-book genre--is a cinematic work of art.

No doubt the critics will damn “B & R” as another “commercial” Schumacher production. Well, commercial is what keeps the movie biz strong. And this time Joel has finished off his box-office bonanza-to-be with some very special touches. And you know what? I don’t care whether you believe me or not--this movie is the summer’s super-treat.
