
Seminars Offered on Reassessment Appeals

A series of free seminars will be held to assist property owners who are considering applying to have their property reassessed as well as those who have already filed applications.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is sponsoring the seminars to help property owners learn about their appeal rights, how to prepare for a hearing, what qualifies as admissible evidence, what will happen at a hearing and what to expect after a hearing.

Property owners can attend seminars explaining the assessment appeals process from 9 to 10:30 a.m. July 10 and 23 at the county board’s hearing room, 500 W. Temple St., Room 381B in downtown Los Angeles.


Another series of seminars will be held in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, Cerritos, Culver City and El Monte to inform property owners on how to prepare for an assessment appeals hearing.

In the San Fernando Valley, property owners may choose to attend the seminars in Sherman Oaks from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Friday or July 9 at the Senior Citizens Recreation Center, 5056 Van Nuys Blvd. Free parking is available.

Parking for those interested in attending the seminars downtown is available at the Music Center on Grand Avenue for $15; in Lot 29 at the Health Services building at the corner of Temple and Figueroa streets for $6 (enter from Fremont Street); in a lot at the corner of Temple and Figueroa streets for $3.50; and in a lot on Temple Street across from the Hall of Administration for $12.


The Assessment Appeals Board has received more than 100,000 assessment appeals applications since last July.

Schedules for all the seminars may be obtained by dialing (213) 974-4240 or on the Internet at
