
DWP Cash Awards

The Times should be commended for reporting on the idea of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power employee Richard Callison to apply for an exemption to a federal licensing fee--a suggestion that has saved DWP customers more than a million dollars (“His Brown Bag Lunch Was Worth Millions,” July 27).

However, your article was misleading in its characterization of DWP’s suggestion program that rewarded Callison for his idea. DWP’s Employee Suggestion Plan is designed to encourage employees to come up with money-saving ideas above and beyond their normal duties and responsibilities by rewarding them with a cash award for ideas that are implemented.

Employees who submit winning ideas receive 10% of the first year’s net savings that result from the implementation of the suggestion. The awards, which are presented several times a year, range from $20 to a maximum of $25,000.


The true beneficiaries of DWP’s Employee Suggestion Plan are the customers who reap the benefits of cost-saving efficiencies.


DWP Employee Suggestion Plan

