
Church Pact

The decision by the Evangelical Lutheran Church to reach accord with three other Protestant churches but to reject ties with the Episcopal Church dismayed those working for such a concord, Lutherans and Episcopalians alike. Your Aug. 19 article mentioned feelings of pain, sadness and even anger.

The disappointment is understandable, as people of many faiths hope for the great ecumenical day when believers come together. But there is also good news in the story; the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, the Reformed Church in America and the Evangelical Lutherans did reach a historic accord. We Episcopalians can take heart, as almost two-thirds of the Evangelical Lutheran delegates favored a pact with our church. The ice jam of religious distrust is melting, so there can be realistic hope for our journey toward unity. We’ll just keep on praying that God will heal our divisions.


San Pedro
