
Controller Connell to Address 2 Groups

State Controller Kathleen Connell will present her views on California’s economic future to two Ventura County political groups today.

Connell’s first speech, to the Ventura County World Affairs Council, will concern the role of education in California’s economic recovery.

“She has been mentioned as a possible candidate for governor, and we are trying to get all possible candidates to come and speak,” said Cindy Cooke, executive director of the World Affairs Council.


This discussion is open to the public and will begin at noon at the Spanish Hills Country Club at 999 Crestview Ave. in Camarillo. Admission for discussion and lunch is $25.

Next, Connell will describe her ideas for maintaining California’s economic growth in the 21st century to the Ventura County Chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus.

“She would like the public to understand what her office does with their tax money,” said Celeste Weingardt of the local chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus. “She spoke at our annual conference last year, and we got a really good response.”


Also open to the public, this presentation will begin at 3:15 p.m. at Nona’s Courtyard Cafe at the Maggiore Inn, 67 S. California St., in Ventura. A $5 donation is requested to cover costs.
