
Gun Studies and Self-Defense

Studies such as that by Women Against Gun Violence (July 18) look only at one side of the question. They ignore the lives that guns save when used for defense.

Studies by the Department of Justice (National Crime Victimization Survey) indicate that about 40,000 violent crimes are prevented each year by civilians with guns, and that violent crime victims are less likely to be injured if they defend themselves with a gun. Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist, has done a number of studies that indicate that a million or so violent crimes are prevented each year by civilians with guns.

One cannot solve a problem one does not understand. If guns used for self-defense save enough lives, then some gun control laws might actually increase the number of violent deaths (e.g., more deaths by stabbing). However, if the number of unlawful gun deaths exceeds the number of self-defense uses (not a given), then some gun control laws will save lives. But the nature of the law must be tailored to the nature of the problem.


Guns take lives that should not be taken. Guns save lives that should be saved. What’s the balance? Does anybody care enough to stop throwing rocks long enough to actually try to find out?



* Maybe Women Against Gun Violence needs a new focus, say, change the name to Women Against Violence. That way they could focus on the cause of the problem instead of a tool. I somehow don’t think Mothers (and Students) Against Drunk Driving would have been as effective if their focus had been the cars instead of the perpetrators.

California already has the third most restrictive firearms laws in the nation and the crime rate is still one of the top three. Shouldn’t the failure of ever increasingly repressive laws show anything to anyone? Did banning get rid of the alcohol problem and drug problem? No!


Education about the dangers and responsibilities has, however, had a substantial effect. Why are we so slow to adopt the same strategy for violence and gun violence?


Culver City
